Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Turned down by True Love


Now that i'm all set to post as well why should Whee get all the McLovin on here?

Anyways today Fellow local kid Jack Main and I went to Shepp riding and decided that we would have a beautiful Frappe` seesion afterwards.

When we arrive at the out of town McDonalds they explain to us that the Machine is broken and they cannot blend the ice.

fair enough so we travel to the central city Mcdonalds and are told we cannot have Frappe`s after which I paid for simply because they cannot be arsed making anything in the cafe` which contains ice!!!!!


This brings me to why I post this when the site's about our upcoming tour de america.

Jack and I are now in my bedroom waiting for the hot wax to chill in which we will be applying to our arms later this evening.

Jack "Imagine swimming in this S@%t"     BAHAHAHAHAHA

Should give me the increased pick up points on Wheeler in America


Here's a quick shot of Jack in Shepp this evening.

Kids got Balls

Harry Main at Mirra's place. Truck2toejam. from Mirraco on Vimeo.

1 comment:

  1. Use chunts deserve a medal for this shiz...
    dont have to much fun with out me steve man.. peace..
    come home lol
